Ontario Grade 12 Chemistry or its equivalent is an essential pre-requisite for our first-year chemistry courses. To have no background such as this is certainly not in your best interest. We strongly advise students to be properly prepared by taking Grade 12 Chemistry or its equivalent before enrolling in any of CHM135H, CHM136H or CHM151Y.
The University of Toronto may grant you credit in our first-year chemistry courses for your advanced chemistry courses such as AP, IB or A-level.
You have to be a registered student at the University of Toronto to be allowed to enrol in chemistry courses and programs of study. For information about application and admission, please go visit U of T Admissions.
A degree in chemistry opens varied and wide opportunities in both public and private sectors. Please visit the Department of Chemistry's entry in the Career Centre web pages for more information, and access the "Why Study Chemistry?" page for more details.