Getting Started
All new researchers, staff, students, visitors and volunteers must successfully complete the Chemistry On-Boarding Safety Training Requirements in order to start work at the Lash Miller and Davenport Research Laboratories. No door keys will be issued until the “hands-on” Lash Miller Site-Specific Training (LM-SST) is completed. The materials that will be discussed during the LM-SST are contained in the Chemistry SOPs. Proof of LM-SST is based on receipt of a signed LM-SST checklist . When attending the LM-SST, remember to bring the checklist to the training session.
Click here to sign up via EventBrite for the next LM-SST Training Session.
Users do not need a UTORid to register or complete the LM-SST.
Onboarding Training Requirements
Lash Miller Site-Specific Training Checklist