Mark Taylor

LM 622A - Lash Miller Chemical Laboratories, 80 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, M5S 3H6


Fields of Study

Areas of Interest

Organic synthesis; catalysis; supramolecular and materials chemistry 

Research in the Taylor group takes place at the interface between the fields of organic synthesis and supramolecular chemistry. We are interested in exploring connections between the fields of molecular recognition and catalysis: our research is aimed at gaining fundamental insight into noncovalent or reversible covalent interactions, and using this information to design new chemical sensors or catalysts. Areas of expertise include catalyst development and mechanistic elucidation, physical-organic chemistry, receptor design, and the study of host-guest interactions.

Specific areas of interest include: 

  • Stereo- and/or regioselective catalysis
  • Catalytic transformations of carbohydrates
  • Noncovalent interactions and molecular recognition
  • New sensory molecules and materials
  • Mechanistic and computational studies of catalytic reactions

Administrative Service

Associate Chair, Graduate Studies